"Gooby" or no, we did have a little hair event on Monday with photos. Maybe Kathy peered in the window on this one.

The occasion was that I was getting my hair cut the next day, so we decided to Mohawk it before we couldn't. The effectiveness of studying during such an event is debatable.


Chad said…
BRETT! How could you do such a thing in a BYU-Approved apartment?!?!?!
Gramps said…
Hey, that looks pretty goobie to me...wait...that's gooie....maybe both.
Christa said…
Is there something in the water there in Utah? What is all of this smooching I see from my brothers??? I can't say that I'm not glad to see it, though! Fun pictures... the kind that would be perfect in a wedding slideshow...
Gramps said…
[Breanna don't read this] There's nothing wrong with smooching.
Chad said…
I have found myself especially thirsty lately...
Gramps said…
CHAD!!!!!! [Erica, slap him will ya?]
BUFFY said…
brett and katie sittin in a tree... nice hair brett. It's really...erm....nice
Cambrienelson said…
What more do you need for a wedding video slide show? Great pictures.
Marilyn said…
So, Brett: When is the blessed event? Do we REALLY have to wait until June?
Unknown said…
Yeah, maybe some day I'll get up the guts to hold her hand.

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