I'm a lucky man. I was thinking yesterday about my life and family and decided I was so lucky. We talk to other couples who have kids with problems.....trouble at school, marriage trouble, divorce, etc. Marilyn & I see the heartache other people have with their kids. Look at my kids. Every one of them is a great person that has made right decisions and have turned out to be really good people. I work with a gal who has a daughter that has made a lot of wrong decisions and has married a guy that is ..um... less than ideal. Look at the two "in laws" I've got. Yea, I kid that they are my least favorite son in laws, but they are also my favorite son in laws. I couldn't ask for better. I've got a wife that loves me and appreciates me and has stuck with me for 31 years and more. She's also been a good mom to my kids. The thing is, I wasn't a great dad/husband. I'm still not. I'm just me but my family accepts me anyway. Like I said, I'm a lucky man.


Cambrienelson said…
ditto-- I'm blessed too. I have a perfect husband and the cutest little daughter in the entire world.

Dad- I don't know know what you were talking about--you were/are a great dad. How many dad's do you know these days who take their kids camping?
Marilyn said…
We are blessed, I agree-cautiously. Life has a way of throwing you some nasty curves just when you thought everything was going well!
Stevo said…
I do have to admit your have got to be my most favorite father-in-law...perhaps now would be a good time to bring up the tux issue all over again huh? :) Thanks for wearing it
BUFFY said…
daddy, you must be confused.... you were a great daddy! I loved going camping and i'm excited for when we can go back to canyonlands again! and you have the silliest sense of humor that gave us a great sense of humor as well. You made sure we were all provided for and you supported us in our decisions. Thanks for being a great dad!
Gramps said…
Dear Steve: *NO* time is a good time to bring up the issue of the tux. Trust me on this one.
Christa said…
I don't know how I missed this blog entry, but I'm glad I caught it-- it's not very often we get warm fuzziness on the blog! We love you, too, Dad!

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