Since Mom's been asking for a picture of Erica, here it is. This is from the Timp Hike we went on. And, as is usually the case, the picture doesn't do her justice. And it doesn't help that her hair is covered up. It was chilly up there though. I'm starting to get my hopes up. I think she likes me!


Cambrienelson said…
She looks vaguely familiar, but I guess it's hard to tell with a hood and coat on.
Cool- keep us updated!
Unknown said…
Hiking timp . . .

That's a long date. And congrats on its apparent success.
Christa said…
Did you know that hiking Timp was my 2nd date with Brigham? His dad apparently told him before hand, "Hiking timp on a 2nd date? Well, either you'll never go out again or you'll get married." He was right! So I'd love to hear why you think she likes you! How did your dinner go? Have you done other things? Keep us updated!
Gramps said…
Nice picture. I actually got to meet Erica fact to face! Even better than the picture. She seems like a nice person. She and Chad came out to our place to pick raspberries yesterday afternoon. Don't have a clue why they came clear out here to pick raspberries, but I'm glad they did.

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