I had a great weekend. It started on Sunday, really. I sat down in sacrament meeting and was looking around for girls I could try to sit by in Sunday School. One girl in particular stood out, so after sacrament meeting, I followed her towards class. She stopped to talk to someone, and my plan was ruined - at least I thought so. I continued on and sat down by myself, since most people were still in the hallways. Shortly after I had sat down, she came in and asked if she could sit by me.

We talked, class happened, and I asked for (and got) her phone number. After church she was rounding up people to go to choir, so of course I went. At choir, I found out that a small group was going to hike Timp that night (1 AM). I was invited to go, and so we went. It was a lot of fun, and I got to know her a lot better. After we had all got home and had a nap, I got a text message about a BBQ that night. Again I went, and she was there. I got invited to go play Ultimate Frisbee with them on Tuesday. It sounds like it's a weekly thing. That night when I got home, I gave her a call and invited her to dinner, which she accepted.

The 411 on her: Her name is Erica, she's originally from Tulsa, but her family now lives just north of Lone Peak HS. Her little brother knows Breanna. She went to BYU and graduated in MFHD, and now works as the head honcho for the West area for EFY. From how she talked, it sounds like that's the U.S.


Christa said…
Sounds like a fun ward! I'm so glad! Here comes some sisterly advice: take things slowly! Girls get scared off by guys who come on strong-- especially guys who are obviously in a marriageable position. My advice is to take out a different girl or two after your date with Erica, even if you are not way interested in them-- just so Erica doesn't get scared away. But have fun! Even though you are poor now, don't be afraid to spend some money to have fun with her-- budget it in! Have you had enough advice? Well, don't worry-- I'm sure I'll have more for you later!
Cambrienelson said…
using to ol' come-check-out-the-fact-that-I-live-in-a-cool-house approach hu? Good trick.

Amen to what Christa said. I remember a few guys that I went on dates with who might have had a chance but they started going way too fast for me .one guy listed the qualities he liked in a wife and told me that I qualified-- It was too bad too because I though he was a nice/normal guy before he said that at the end of the first and last date!
Marilyn said…
So, did you take your camera on the hike? Any Group pictures that have her in them? Feel like sharing? :) :) :)
BUFFY said…
her little bro knows me eh? who is he? and whats her last name. I concurr with everything that has been said thusfar.
Chad said…
The house trick will have no effect on her - She owns a townhouse.

And I didn't bring a camera - my bag was completely full. But some others did, I'll see if I can get some pictures from them.

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