hello Flamily. i'm back to tell you of my "exciting" life. as you can see from the pictures, I went to the beach again a couple of weeks ago. It was really fun. We went to oceanside and the waves were great! We went out swimming and I even tried to do a little body surfing....it was an interesting experience and I wasn't very good at it...mainly I just got a whole lot of nasty salt water in my mouth and nose. But we had a blast. It was a saturday and we had gotten there kinda later in the day so we couldn't find an open fire pit to use. But we were determined!!! We went to Rite Aid and bought one of those cheap $12 portable bbq's, dug a hole in the sand, took off the grill portion and had ourselves a mini campfire in the sand. We roasted marshmellows and had smores. It was great fun!

Well I started my new job 2 weeks ago today. I work for a place called Grand Terrace care and rehab. It's a lot different than working at the charleston. For one thing, it's a lot faster paced. I hardly feel like I have time to do all i need to do. I often skip taking my two 10 min breaks for lack of time. It's hard and a little stressful but I like most of the people I work with so it'll be ok for a while. I just have to learn how to move at a faster pace.

Speaking of work, I have a meeting to go to so this will have to be all you get to hear about my life for now....I know your all mourning you don't get more at this. Sorry....what can I say....my time is in high demand now-a-days :-)


Stevo said…
Man, I wish I could've gone to the beach. Some day Buff! Some day
Chad said…
Good to hear about your job. Sounds like they need to hire some more peeps.
Marilyn said…
SHE IS ALIVE! Well, at least she was when she wrote this blog! Are you still alive buff? Call me.
Gramps said…
Cool pics Buff.....thanks for sharing the pictures and your life....I'm always interested.

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