Yer mom & I met Erica & Chad for dinner last night at Otavios in Provo. It was good as now I don't have to wonder what's going on based on rumors floating around the family. My perception of everything I heard 2nd hand was changed somewhat by hearing things from the horse's mouth...(no offense you two). I'm a lot more comfortable than I was (though I really wasn't THAT uncomfortable.) One thing they did say is that they decided their relationship is going fast so have decided to slow down things for the time being. No, they don't have a date, but it was obvious from the discussion they HAVE decided to get married so I still say they are engaged. Erica is a great gal, we were very comfortable with her, and she seems like a good fit to the family. She wasn't even scared off after getting to know me a little. Good job Chad. Erica, good to have you around. [twitch] NOW WHERE'S MY CHAINSAW?!? [twitch]


Cambrienelson said…
chainsaw? I thought ax-murderers used axes?
Gramps said…
Axes are so......20th century.
Chad said…
Axes are so... 19th century. Chainsaws are so 20th century.

What you need is a nice dull laser.

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