I think I now possess a money pit. But it's all good.

I mowed my lawn for the first time this morning. It's been years since I've mowed a lawn. It was nice at first, but by the end I was all sweaty and needed another shower. The lawnmower was $200. I bought a bed - $600. Washer & Dryer - $850. Upgrade the floor to tile (it has to be replaced anyway) - $1200. And there's all sorts of miscellaneous expenses. Door springs. Mirror brackets. Light bulbs. Garden hose. It's a good thing I planned on this costing more than I expected.

I do wish I had a truck. Mom & Dad say I can borrow the jeep anytime, but I can really only go do things on Saturday, and that's the day for four-wheeling. Once my kitchen floor is replaced, I'll move the all the kitchen stuff off the living room floor, and force Mom and/or Dad to go to DI with me and get a sofa of some sort.

I get a free propane barbecue from RC Willey, because they put a $100 off sticker on the washer/dryer set I was buying, but it wasn't supposed to be there, so they instead gave me a $100 gift card, which I'm using on a barbecue. So, come on over and we'll have a cookout (BYOM though - I'm poor now).


Chad said…
And the internet hasn't made it out to where I'm at. So for now there will be reduced blog usage for me. But keep posting videos of my niece and nephews. I love them!
Gramps said…
You think a house is a money pit?!? Just wait until you have kids!!!!
Christa said…
So besides the fact that you have to put a lot of money into it, how do you like living in your house? How is your ward? Are you going to try to get roommates?
Marilyn said…
Yeah, he is, only this time it will be a WIFE! :)
Cambrienelson said…
december is coming right up!

Yes, houses our money suckers. we don't even own and we've figured that one out. hoses and lawnmowers, sink filters and sprinkler heads all start adding up.
BUFFY said…
keep looking on craigslist too! I just saw a free washer and dryer on there that looked to be in pretty good condition. You coulda saved $850....but its your choice i guess!

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