Well, as of now I'm a college drop-out. Yep, I just dropped out of BYU-I.
Steve and I have been talking to a couple in our ward pretty seriously about them being surrogates for us (her having a baby for us) and we've decided as of this afternoon that it's a go. The plan is for January. The hard part now is scraping up every nickle and dime from the couch cushions, and having a few lemonaide stands to try to get all the money we need for the process. But with my $1000 refund from my schooling, and the extra money I can make from possibly taking in a second foster baby, I think we will barely be able to come up with the $35-40,000 we need. Crazy? definately. Impossible? No. Ambitious? yes. Are we sure? absolutely.
My schooling will just have to wait. I'd like to see my instructors reaction though when she realizes that I've dropped out of the class because I've already turned in 30+ assignments (and classes only started on wednesday). I was trying to get ahead in preparation for how busy I knew I would be with foster care. Oh well-- my teacher is going to be very confused.

Life is doing a 360 right now for us: end of work for steve, end of school for me, starting foster care, dental school, and now the process for surrogacy (which is QUITE the process) . I don't know how it could get any more crazy!


Gramps said…
Life's choices seem to me to be never easy, though I usually take the easiest choices. You obviously aren't taking the easy road but I applaud your making the choices that will improve your & other's lives.
Marilyn said…
With your kind of determination, I am sure you will make it work...I have always admired you for your ability to set tough goals and then work towards that goal with a zeal and tenacity that 99% of the people on the planet couldn't maintain for even a week...say nothing of the length of time it will take to pull this off.
So are you thinking of doing twins, since it will be so expensive? Course there is no guarantee it would work but, are you considering it? Maybe not a good plan because that would give you 5 babies to take care of while Steve is in school (well, 4: 2 handicapped babies, new twins and a 2 year old!) I wish the surrogate mom would have her own first, and then have a child for you...but it aint my place to even vote!

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