WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE ERICA AND CHAD! Rumors are floating about the grapevine about them, but, Alas and alac........no one seems to be able to contact them to verify a thing! Could it be that they ran away together? Was it really just an Nasty early April Fools Prank? Does she have Chad in chains in her cellar and has taken away his cell phone? STAY TUNED! HOPEFULLY WE WILL GET SOME ADDITION TO THE BLOG ABOUT WHERE THIS MYSTERIOUS COUPLE HAVE DISAPPEARED TO.........AND WHAT IN THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH THEM!


Chad said…
Erica posted a comment in the "Breanna!" entry below. She's new to this whole thing. :)

We've been busy. Erica's friend Kat has the pictures we're waiting to get.
Gramps said…
Where in the world are Erica and Chad? Sounds like some new computer game! Cool!

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