Hello! I have officially entered the world of Blogging. This is a new step for me, but one that I’ve been wanting to take for a while now. Now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say, and I hope I'm doing this right!

I suppose I could introduce myself. My name is Erica Krueger, from Highland, Utah. I work for CES Youth Programs at BYU, planning EFY and Youth Conferences. It keeps me busy. To clarify any concerns, I am a BYU fan through and through ('05 graduate). I like to mountain bike, play Ultimate frisbee, any sport (esp soccer/basketball, etc), and trying new things. Lately I've just loved spending time with Chad.

Well, that's that. I'm sure we'll have more time to get to know each other, and if I find a picture that is somewhat decent, I'll get that posted as well. It's been so neat for me to see how united you all are as a family. I can tell you really love each other. Thanks for being so nice to me so far. :) I feel like a very lucky girl!


Marilyn said…
Your easy to be nice to! Hope Chad brings you around a lot more!
Chad said…
I plan on it.
Christa said…
Welcome to our blog! We're excited to try to get to know you, even from a distance. You should post a nice little bio about yourself for us, along with some pictures. We'll all try not to be too wierd and scare you away. Chad is a good guy. He was a little annoying when he was younger, but he's turned out alright. Keep him in line for me since I'm no longer around to do so.
Stevo said…
Chad, Chad, Chad. Cambrie and I are people of strong faith, but in this case we're needing photos to believe that Erica really exists and that it's not just you posting as "Erica" :)

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