To answer your questions

1. No, Erica and I are not engaged yet.
2. Yes, we think we will be soon (1-2 weeks)
3. We recognize that we need to tell you all as soon as we pick a date, but the date will most likely come in the same 1-2 week timeframe.
4. Yes, Erica and I do exist, we do have a relationship, we are dating, and we have kissed.
5. Yes we are busy. We've got more things we need to do than what we have time for


Christa said…
Chad-- just so you know, if you have decided to marry each other, you are engaged. Maybe not "officially" since you haven't "popped the question", but if you are ring shopping and making plans to repaint your house, you are engaged. So let me be the first to congratulate you!
Gramps said…
You younger generation and your definitions. Let's go to the dictionary and look up the word ENGAGED: [DICTIONARY.COM: pledged to be married; betrothed: an engaged couple.][AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY: To pledge or promise, especially to marry.] So, now all kinds of wild rumors have been flying my way. One was that you asked her dad for her hand. True? How can you do that if you are not engaged?!? Why would you ask her dad if you can marry her...just taking a survey? You sly dog can't fool're engaged...just admit it!!!!
Chad said…
Yes, I've talked with her Dad. But what did he say? I'll leave you hanging on that one for a bit.

One could say we're engaged to be engaged. We've not "Pledge[d] or promise[d]".

There's some key things that an "official" engagement consists of. We don't want people to ask "When are you getting married?" and us to say "Good Question". So we're trying to find a day that works. But it's extremely hard to find a good date that works for everyone. So we've decided to take a step back and not stress ourselves in trying to find a date within the next few days. There's no requirement (since we're not officially engaged) for us to have a date yet.

There. I've said several cent's worth I think.

BUFFY said…
well just so you know dear brother of mine, i have to know by at least the 15th of the month before your set date so I can get it off of work cause otherwords, I have no gaurentee that I can get it off work. So just keep that in mind. If you decide on a november wedding, i need to know by oct 15 when it is. Anyways, you'll have to let us know when you are officially engaged.
Unknown said…
Cheesecake at the wedding Chad. That's all I care about.
Chad said…
Cheesecake, eh? Don't you want the little wedding mints?
Marilyn said…
Erica at the wedding, Chad. That is all I care about :)

Actually, I do care about having the rest of the fam be able to come too. Brigham has to know like 90 days in advance, so that should leave you safe BJ. Besides, unless you elope, I don't think you can pull off a wedding with all of the trimmings in 1 month, BJ. Your announcements are supposed to go out 3 weeks ahead of the event, and they don't have engagement pictures even yet.
Stevo said…
I like wedding mints

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