Ever noticed how it's no longer "my dog ate my homework".... It's now "my computer ate my homework" ?

my sob story. I had to write a paper (which we will call paper A) for my nursing class and I had my outline and all my important parts of it written on a piece of paper..... and I lost it. Of course, I searched high and low and could not find it. I finally gave up and wrote the paper having to start again from square 1 (which was frustrating but I finished). I then moved on to my next assignment and then accidentally saved assignment B over the top of paper A so I had to write paper A yet again. All of this occured over a 3 day time period. About an hour after I finally finished the 3rd version of paper A Steve found my originial notes for it--of course.

I'll be grateful when I at the stage of life when I never have to write a paper again!


Gramps said…
I've done that a couple of times before....used a file for a template then typed a new file then stupidly saved it as the original file....and wished I could take that button push back the instant I did it. Live and learn.
Marilyn said…
Yeah, well I still haven't been able to recover all the stuff that was lost on my computer story of mom (with pictures) that I lost when I was "cleaning up my files" as Kim said I needed to do. I deleted the whole darn thing!
Christa said…
Oh the pain! So has Steve started school yet? When do you think you will get your foster kids?
Cambrienelson said…
Steve starts school on the 17th
Foster kids probably in october

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