About Grandma: I was in the hospital with her and dad yesterday for about 5 1/2 hours. She was a royal pain to try to keep there, but the good news is that their tests revealed nothing wrong with her heart, so she was released. Evidently heartburn issues all over again. she has been to the ER with that numerous times in the past...and is on meds for that...but evidently they are not doing the job.
Boy, she was more loopey than ever though. She kept insisting that it was Sunday and that they had been in church that morning. She thought Keith was one of her brothers, she took off all of her clothes in the night time and was walking down the hospital corridors during the night before she was caught and taken back to her room...She had no idea where a bathroom was (in her room) and I had to keep pointing it out and she was pleased and surprized every time. She kept wanting to take the hospital person that they had put in her room 24/7 after the streaking incident into the kitchen so she could get him some cookies. She kept trying to disconnect herself from the heart monitor and her IV...ripping of tape etc. SHE WAS A MESS! Good thing that they didn't need to keep her for anything further because, she would have driven my poor dad balistic, along with whoever was there to help him! Anyway she is home, and after that 2 day nightmare for my dad, I doubt he will ever take her to the hospital again "for her heart". Thanks, ya'll for your concern and prayers. Mom and dad really appreciated it.


Marilyn said…
I should also say, that the trip wasn't totally in vain. Had they not got the blood pressure under control, she would have had a stroke or a heart attack in 3 days. The strange thing was that the Dr only had her taking about 1/3 of how much most Dr's have patients with HBP take.

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