
The branch of the family that follows politics way too closely got out and voted yesterday. We voted at the county building. We stood in line for about 15 minutes before voting. Mostly it was old, retired people in line to vote.

The poll workers were saying more people voted in one day of pre-election-day voting than voted in the primaries altogether. They're very concerned about what it's going to look like on Election Day.

If you are registered and inclined to vote, I recommend getting it done sooner rather than later. Friday is the last day to vote early.

Learn more about the Utah candidates and where to vote at


Gramps said…
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, in the races I don't already have my mind made up, only one candidate submitted information for the site. I guess that makes it easy as to which one I vote for. I also don't get why the Hogle Zoo thing isn't on our ballot since, if it passes, the entire state will be paying for it.
Marilyn said…
that is WHY it is not on our ballot. THE SLC people get to vote so that the state can pay for it and not them! Perfectly logical!

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