Dastrup News

Warning: The following photos may not be suitable for the weak of stomach or for impressionable children. Viewer discretion is advised.

I guess that it's true what they say about great minds thinking alike because the night that Kiera made her debut in a toddler bed, Jacob was doing the same. We bought the bed off of Craigslist that morning, but it's use was expedited when Jacob took off his messy diaper during quiet time and fingerpainted his broken crib. And all the toys and books in his crib... and himself. To truly catch a glimpse of the majesty of his artwork, one must click on the picture and view it full screen. So the crib went into the trash, and Jacob had his first night in a toddler bed! I was biting my nails all afternoon anticipating the event, but like Kiera's transition, it actually went shockingly well! We put him in bed, sang him his song, walked out, and waited for him to follow, but he didn't! I did have to pick him up off the floor when I checked on him later that night, but he didn't come out! The honeymoon lasted until last night when it finally clicked in his mind that there was nothing stopping him from coming right back out. He was MAD that we didn't see the beauty of the situation. Brigham had to go in and sit by his bed and tell him "not a choice" every time he tried to leave until he went to sleep. Tonight I put him down and he came walking back out again, so I took him back in and sat by his bed. This time he didn't cry-- it was like he expected it. He held my hand and was asleep in about 7 minutes. Hopefully soon he won't need us at all, but I'm not holding my breath!

In other news, Brigham's childless friend took pity on him and traded him shifts-- tonight for Christmas Eve! So he now has Dec. 24-27th off! Let the party begin!


Gramps said…
As Earnest P Whorrel would say: "EEEewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!" (We watched Earnest Scared Stupid last night). So....should we elder Groneman's plan on arriving on Dec 21st and leaving 27th? ...or are there other plans afloat?
Christa said…
Nelsons are planning on arriving Dec. 22 and departing Dec. 26th. You are welcome to come and go whenever is convenient for you. Just let me know what your plans are.
Marilyn said…
OK Girls, just remember that most babies don't get to do these fun things. Jacob can because he is special and 3! It really is fairly safe to have a family!!!
Gramps said…
Ok...mom says we're coming on the 20th and leaving 27th. That makes sense so we can crash both your and Brett's birthday party. Ho Ho Ho.
Cambrienelson said…
Yuck! I feel bad for you!
Congrats Jacob on the big- boy bed. Hopefully he won't be smearing it all over the entire room now.

We are excited to see you guys!

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