It's official

Here is an email that was sent to the full-time employees in the Division of Continuing Education:

With Deans' Office approval we announce a job posting for a Program Administrator (Assistant Program Administrator II) within the CES Youth Programs department. Job posting #080555, has been posted and will close at 12:00 midnight on 10-30-08.


That job posting is mine. It means our little girl is getting close to being here! I'm so excited for the new change and challenge of Motherhood. What a blessing to get to do this full-time! (I know I will have days that I'll miss it here as well, at least many parts--not all--of my job.) One of my co-workers says that not one minute of her time at work has even compared to her time being with her little ones at home. I believe her, and I'm excited to experience that.

By the way, my last official day in the office is November 21st. (Although I'll get a pay check until the end of January because of sick/vacation time.)


Cambrienelson said…
I remember the feeling of knowing I was going to be a stay at home mom for the rest of my life. After working so hard for so many years at schooling, and then working 2 jobs, I was worried I would be bored at home with a new baby who doesn't say much. That was not the case though. I love it.
Gramps said…
Hey Erica! That sounds like a job you'd be qualified for! :) Good choice to be the mom as it was intended to be.
Christa said…
It's so exciting to have a last day of work in sight! I'm happy for you that you don't have to work all the way up until the baby is born. Enjoy that time-- it will be your last relaxing time for a long time unless you happen to get an angel baby!
Marilyn said…
This baby is blessed to have 2 parents with such attitudes of excitement about raising a child and being invested in doing so! SO many children are born in homes where they weren't really wanted or appreciated...I am so grateful that my grandchildren are not some of them!

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