Dastrup Update

I had better do something to help relieve this posting famine. This poor blog hasn't had a new post since yesterday!

As many of you know, we just returned home yesterday from watching our good friend run the St. George Marathon. She ran Baltimore with us, and Brigham has been training her to qualify for the Boston Marathon. She paid for us to come up, and things worked out with Brigham's schedule to allow a very quick trip. Despite the constant rain and cold (which none of us were really prepared for-- this is St. George, after all), she shattered her goal by running it in 2:31! It was a lot of fun to share in her exciting moment.

From St. George Marathon 10-08

The big news on the homefront is that Benjamin started as a peer model in Jacob's class today! He was very excited about it-- both before and after preschool. In fact, when I told Benjamin that this Friday there was no school because it was a day off, he said, "Oh, man! I hate days off! I LOVE going to school!" It was really weird not having the boys around for several hours today, although I didn't get to fully appreciate the glory of it since I had so much to do because of our trip. It sure was nice being able to get it done without interruption, though! This peer modelling situation is a dream come true for us. Not only does Benjamin get to attend every day and enjoy all the facilities of a real elementary school (such as a playground and lunchroom), the teacher is also testing him today and tomorrow so they can see where he's at and challenge him academically as well. We are still waiting to hear whether Benjamin will be able to ride the bus with Jacob (Jacob was NOT happy that he didn't get to ride the bus today since I drove him and Benjamin both ways), but I've got my fingers crossed!


Cambrienelson said…
that is wonderful. I'm so glad-- it will work out well for everyone it seems. Wow-- child-free time -- what is that like?
Erica said…
I am so impressed Brigham has time to help someone train for a marathon with his rough schedule!

I would love to be a fly on the wall in Jacob's and Benjamin's class!
Gramps said…
2:31? The paper she's holding says 3:31. You're not pulling a Rosie Ruiz on us are you? (2:31 was her time) YEA BENJAMIN!!! Going to school to be a helper. What a prestigious job. I take it Jacob loves to ride the bus.
Marilyn said…
I am so excited for Benjamin! And hey, it will be great for Christa too. While Benjamin isn't nearly the amount of work that Jacob is, with Brigham being gone so much of the time and CK playing nearly single mom for several days a week, it will be especially nice when she has a new baby to have time to take naps when the baby does etc!

Doesn't look that the soggy weather dampened your spirits! Brigham, I knew you were a good trainer...but I am even more impressed than I was before!

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