Christmas Sibling Exchange

I found this on a comment to a post back in August:

Nelsons buy for C&E
C&E buy for dastups
Dastrups buy for Buff
Buff buys for B&K
B&K buy for Nelsons

So that's the official word then?


Gramps said…
Just my $0.02.....if I were king of the world, I'd put some sort of spending limit on ALL least until everyone is out of school.
Chad said…
I believe we set the limit at $20.
Gramps said…
Wait a minute. Christmas sibling exchange? Who are you going to trade Christa for?........ Could Erica end up being a sibling to Steve's little sister? It's all so confusing.
Marilyn said…
Brett, you told us that you would be spending Christmas with Katies family...thus we go to Dastrups. I hope that means you and Chad and sweethearts will be with us for Thanksgiving...Buffy is planning on going home.
BUFFY said…
That's a big maybe mom. I will if I can but I can't absolutely guarentee it yet...
Gramps said…
Given nobody really answered Brett, I'll raise my hand in support of his proposal.

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