Bad Attitute Chad

So I thought I'd share some of my bad attitudes with you.

As of today, I am no longer a loyal Big-O customer. The premium brakes I bought a few years ago didn't last even 30,000 miles. "Sorry, nothing we can do about that. You can buy some new brakes if you want". I'll take that option, but at Les Schwab.

We're no longer Qwest customers. "We reserve the right to increase your price at any time". They literally told me that. We didn't have a contract, but shortly after this experience, someone else was telling me about a similar experience they had (without knowing mine), where they did have a contract, and Qwest increased the price. He called up to cancel the contract, and was told to read the fine print of his contract. They can increase the price (even in a contract) at any time.

I've attempted to contact all of my most local representatives in the state Government. I've done my homework on them, and most of them have not yet returned any communication. The only one who has communicated with me is the Democrat for the state house of representatives. That may be because he remembers me because he knocked on my door and we had a good chat for about an hour, about what I felt was important and how he intended to represent me. Unless the republican for my district can convince me, I will vote for the Democrat for my district. I don't agree with him on one or two issues, but I found after researching the Republican candidate that I agree with her a lot less than I would have expected. It also turns out that she's been the chairperson for the state transportation board for the last 10 years or so, and she's very proud of that. That's the group responsible for all the fountains and landscaping along the sides of the freeways, and the decorative sound barriers. She's also rumored to be heavily financed by Energy Solutions. For me, those are two very good reasons to vote someone else in. I don't agree with the national democratic party on 80% of their issues. I don't agree with the state democratic party on about the same issues. I've researched the Utah County democratic party, and found that I *do* agree with them on about 60-70% of the issues. My local democrat candidate I agree with on 90% of the issues. We had some good discussion on whether he would represent me, as a republican voter in his district, the same as he would a democrat. We had a good discussion on whether he would represent the democratic party or the people. I was pleased with his answers, and pleased with what I found on his website. He openly told me he needed to research a few issues I was concerned about. But he seemed very genuine and he's very approachable (his opponent doesn't provide direct contact info on her website, he does).

There's your Bad Attitude Chad for the day.

On the positive side, goooOOOOO COUGARS!!


Cambrienelson said…
Not a bad attitude... just dealing with incompetant people.
Gramps said…
Chad. Call me and I'll call you back. :) I must admit I've not researched any of the local races...I should I suppose.
Unknown said…
The problem is that if I were to actually read and study about everyone's opinion on every important topic in every election I'm to vote in, it would take WAY too long. I realize it's important, but with school and work and everything else in life, I really don't have time to study the debates nearly as much as I should to be informed enough to make a good choice...

I'm guessing a lot of people have the same problem. And I've come to the conclusion that that's why a lot of people can get away with just campaigning with putting signs up all over town with just their name -- nobody has time to research the issues, so as long as they're the familiar name to the people, the public is a lot more likely to vote for them.

*sigh* I should be doing homework...

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