So here I sit like a frog on a lily pad.... Well not really. I'm over at the nelson's house babysitting little kiera and lydia so they can go on a date. Little kiera just went to bed about 15 min ago and after the nelsons left I literally walked around in circles to get little lydia to sleep. Now here I sit, while she is asleep on my chest in her little carrier thing. She's so cute and peaceful when she's jealous... be very jealous :-)

So I thought I would let you all know, one of those fires that was down here in southern cali (yes I know....again) well this time, one of them was literally less than a mile from where I go to school. It was pretty weird to be driving on the freeway and see all the burnt trees and such from where the fire was. It wasn't actually burning when I went to school this week, they had finally put it out the night before I went back to school. The exit to get off to go to my school was still closed and I had to take a detour. That was so weird to me.

In sad news, we got a new baby girl admit at work. She's nine months old, absolutely adorable.... and has Shaken Baby syndrome. I guess her parents were deployed over in Germany so they sent her here to live with a great aunt or something who put her in a day care so she could go to work and one of the care givers at the day care shook her. It's so sad cause it has totally destroyed the family. And the sad thing is I guess the same thing happened before at this same day care about a year ago and they didn't shut it down until now. Thanks for not sending us to a day care mom. It's so scary what people will do to children and it makes me sick.

In other news, I finally got to learn how to stab people.... with a needle. This week in school on our lab days, my classmates and I all got turns on getting stabbed and stabbing in return. We did Subcutaneous and Intramuscular shots with saline this week (for those of you who know what that means) and we're doing intradermal with hot dogs first and then on each other...It should be very exciting. And today we learned all about fluids and electrolytes and IV therapy. It was all very confusing but I'm sure after much studying, i shall make some sense of it.

well little lydia is being so adorable so I fear I must go so I can go love on her some more... don't worry mom, I'll give her an extra kiss for you ;-) Love you all!


Gramps said…
Awww...and I haven't even met Lydia yet. It's just not fair. Not fair at all. That shaken baby thing is so sad. There is a girl in our ward who is now in young womens who was a shaken baby (babysitter). She walks with a gate and holds one arm funny at her side. It's such a shame that it happened. Every time I see her I want to tromp on whoever did that to her.
Cambrienelson said…
Good blog buff. I remember in our foster parent training they made us watch a video about shaken baby syndrome that documented an incidence that happend in Utah a few years ago. I left the room midway through the video bawling because I couldn't handle watching anymore. Thanks for not shaking my babies buff!
Christa said…
Buff, you need to come live in Albuquerque. We'd let you babysit our cute kids anytime! Good work with all of your nursing stuff--I could never do it!
Marilyn said…
That is sad about another babies life ruined with someones temper unrestrained. Actually, the girl in our ward wasn't just shaken..her babysitter actually bashed the side of her skull in. They didn't know if she would survive for a long time, and they thought she would be a vegetable if she did...but she has made remarkable progress. Still, she will always be handicapped.
Erica said…
Wow, Buffy. That just makes me so teary to think of those children. I'm with Christa. I'd trust you with our little one-to-be any time.

I wish I knew even a little about nursing stuff. It's interesting to read about what you're doing at school. And glad you're safe too!!

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