Kiera's big-girl bed

Yesterday we decided to set up the second crib in Kiera's room in preparation for when Lydia will be joining her (probably in a month or so). While setting it up we got the idea of making the new crib in to the "toddler bed". I've heard that many toddlers have a terrible time with it and end up not going to bed for hours since they now have freedom to roam, but we thought that Kiera wouldn't be so bad so we decided to try it. I decided to hide in her room while Steve was getting her ready for bed-- was was very curious to know what she would do. Steve came in and laid her down. She commented "new bed" and Steve left and shut the door. I sat there in my hiding spot and waited. So what did she do? She stuck her feet in the air and said "wow" (while admiring her red toenails) and rolled over and went to sleep. I snuck out of my spot about 7 minutes later disappointed that there was nothing exciting to report.

Secondly, yesterday was took Kiera to a pumkin patch that also had a petting zoo, pumpkin bounce house, horse rides, etc.. We spent $10 so that Kiera could do all of these things. But, Kiera being Kiera and all, she was more interested in throwing straw and in her elmo crackers than anything else. Oh well.


Gramps said…
Well a milestone in Kiera's little life. Wow is right! hehe....cute. Love the pictures, can't say I care much for the slide show application though. :(
Marilyn said…
BOY! I cannot believe how much Lydia has changed already! Shocking, really! And sad that I am missing out!
Looks like you guys had a good little outing with Kiera!
Gramps said…
I protest...after you went to the bother of uploading/sharing pictures, I think people should express more interest in them so you feel it was worth your time. Of course, to me it was worth your time just for me...but then...that's just me.

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