Lydia rolled over for the first time yesterday twice in a row from stomach to back. We have a gifted daughter : ) actually, it was more because she was holding her head up (which is probably heavy from all those cheeks) and her head got of balance and sortof fell over sideways and the momentum of it flipped the rest of her body too. But hey, it's a start.

So I've heard before that babies are mailable so I decided to try to get Lyida to sleep in her baby carrier/carseat. Previously she would NOT sleep there. It took me about 5 days of trying and only letter her sleep there, but now life is SOOOO much easier! She can now sleep anywhere: church, car, grocery store, disneyland. I'm so glad that I did it! I'm going to do that with all of my babies from now on.


Gramps said…
Go Lydia! One step closer to driving mom & dad's car. Oh she's cute. It should be a crime to live in a different state than grandparents :(
Christa said…
So adorable!! Funny-- my kids would only sleep in their carseat for the first couple of months. I had to train them to sleep in a bed!
Gramps said…
Oh, and this picture of Lydia made me laugh and reminded me of THIS
Erica said…
She has grown so much! Such a cutie!

I love all your tips. I've been taking mental notes. :)
Marilyn said…
I am so pleased that she has turned into a happier/easier baby! It make home life so much more pleasant! She has changed so much already...makes me sad that I am missing out on so much. But she is sure a cutie!
Marilyn said…
I am so pleased that she has turned into a happier/easier baby! It make home life so much more pleasant! She has changed so much already...makes me sad that I am missing out on so much. But she is sure a cutie!
Gramps said…
You can say that again.

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