So an interesting thing happened today at Lydia's baby blessing. There was a confirmation and 4 baby blessings but that's not the most interesting part. Directly after that, in the middle of sacrament, all the lights went out. They flickered back on and off a few times and then stayed off. So we finished off the the rest of sacrament meeting in the dark and with people having to talk very loudly to bear their testimonies. It was also very cute because while we were singing the hymns, Kiera was doing her version of singing too....Just "Mleh blah, beh bleh" away very loudly all through the hymns. It was very cute. I wish i could have taken a video of it. Anyways, you all missed out.


Marilyn said…
What's with the power there? When I was there, the power went out and they canceled church. Is this a regular occurrence?
I bet the folks around you were enjoying Kiera's singing too. I would have, for sure!
Stevo said…
The power outage was God's sign of either an acceptance or rejection of Lydia's baby blessing...that's all
Gramps said…
Accept. Anyway, it takes a super snow storm to cancel church around here....I'm not lucky enough to get a power outage.

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