What to do with a bunch of books?

So Erica and I have been cleaning out our spare room, turning it into the baby's room. We've done a pretty good job. There are still filing cabinets and a few other things, and a bookshelf full of books that need to be gotten rid of.

These are the expensive books that we didn't resell to the bookstore - the ones we felt would be worthwhile to keep. Well, it turns out that after sorting through my books, I only really want to keep half of them, or less. We would like to not simply put them in the dumpster.

They're likely to be a few revisions behind the current. You know how that is - publishers change a word and come out with a new version every other semester, to keep students buying brand-new books. We're wondering if the book-buy-back places will buy them. We could put them up on half.com, but that's almost more trouble than it's worth, between running to the post office and dealing with people who for whatever reason are unhappy and want to give you a bad rating. Another possibility we've wondered about is donating them to a library for a tax break.

Have any y'all already ran into this? What did you do?


Gramps said…
I saved mine for years...hauled them around to Virginia and England and back. I eventually ended up giving most to DI. Now I have room.
Cambrienelson said…
We sell ours on half.com and have never had any trouble. I'd rather have even $15 than have the pleasure of storing a Public Health Nursing book any day.
Stevo said…
They make good fuel for campfires if you wanted to go that route
Marilyn said…
I have a friend who sells stuff on Ebay all the time. She says that you don't need to go to the PO, that they will come to you to pick it up...and it didn't sound like it cost her any more. I think Fed Ex does that too. You just buy their special envelopes...standard cost no matter what you put in it. I really don't know just how it works, but if your interested, you can check it out.
Christa said…
Ditto to what CAN said. We actually scored big on a couple of books. It's worth it.

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