OK, folks! This blog is becoming boring! Where are some of you? We are going to need to give this a burial if people don't put anything on here. Kim got discouraged about his putting fun stuff on here cause no one ever comments... We know that you have busy lives...and we don't want to torture you to do this...but it would be great to hear from everyone, briefly every week an a half or so!!
I AM excited to report that Christa is going to gain a lot more freedom starting tomorrow...so I will let her explain why...but she should have much more time to put stuff on the blog! And I KNOW they have fun stuff to report on! :) :)
Today was GREAT! It felt like Christmas! Chad and Erica came over to play with us all day between Conf sessions, and of course BJ is here, and flying home tomorrow evening, and then Brett and Katie showed up and had lunch with us and played some WII with us. And we played (in addition to alot of WII games), one game of Settlers of Catan....SO HECK! It felt like Christmas, playing and eating all day with the kids!! AND it felt even more like Christmas, because, before BJ came I had made a Raspberry Cake (kinda like Trifle), and then Chad and Erica had said that they would bring dessert for dinner, so they brought carmel apples which were very nummy :) and then yesterday Breanna reminded me that I still hadn't made her her Birthday Apple Pie....so I made pie last night....and then Katie and Brett (out of the goodness of their hearts! )came with Mint Brownies!!!
So to summarize the day, we played alot of Wii Fit games, but NOBODY lost any weight! But it was SURE FUN!!! Thanks guys! This old lady will go to sleep with a smile on my face tonight.


Gramps said…
It was great super fun. It did feel like a holiday with 3 of 5 kids here all day. Chad/Erica showed up early in the morning which I wasn't expecting but was a nice surprise. Brett/Katie couldn't stay long but it was fun to have them while they could be here. Buff and I snuggled through a scary movie on Saturday night. And perhaps most important of all: I'M STILL HULA HOOP CHAMPION!!!!! :)
Katie Groneman said…
You're only hula hoop champion because some of us were too... ok, yeah, I was chicken and didn't even try it. But Buff was sooooo close! And I've heard a rumor that it's not even your record... what say you to that?
Gramps said…
It *IS* my record as I just set a new one on Sunday! Eat your heart out.
Gramps said…
Cambrienelson said…
I'd like to say that I write quite enough on this blog... and even more on the Nelson blog which you are all welcome to view.

hula hoop? this a gotta see.
Gramps said…
I have to say Cambrie is far and away the best poster here. It's appreciated. You don't really want to see. Me doing the hula hoop on Wii is enough to scare children and small animals.
Christa said…
It's funny-- just today Brigham's Dad left a post on his family's blog (which only sees about a quarter as much activity as this one) thanking everyone for all their posts and participation. My point is, it's all relative. This blog is certainly the busiest of all blogs I check. I usually only have a second when I check the blog and don't have time to respond to every post. It doesn't mean that I don't appreciate them. Just that I'm busy.
Gramps said…
I think Max was trying to encourage.

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