Darwin Awards from Brigham

Christa is endlessly chiding me for lack of contribution to the family blog. I could make the very valid excuse that my work hours are ridiculous; however, I will take the high road and succumb to her pestering.

My job allows me a very negative perspective on humanity. Put simply--I see and take care of a lot of idiots. Drunk drivers, helmetless motorcyclers, people that blow up their own methamphetamine labs, etc. frequent my workplace every day.

I usually learn little about the story behind the carnage, but earlier this week I got a few more details about one particularly intelligent patient.

While having a fight with a woman he could not consistently call his wife or his girlfriend (turned out he had both and was just getting confused which was which), this young gentleman chose to express his displeasure by throwing her cell phone from the 5th story balcony where she lived. She immediately insisted that he had better retrieve the phone right away. Perhaps he wanted to show her he still loved her even when in the midst of a heated disagreement, perhaps he wanted to "prove a point" (his stated reason), but he quickly turned and headed after the cell phone--by jumping off the balcony after it.

He is alive to tell the tale, he has not taken his DNA code out of the gene pool yet, but with judgement like that it is likely only a matter of time.

By the way, he apparently was not successful in getting the cell phone.


Gramps said…
Well, I can understand the guy. I always do what my wife says. The alternative is just......[shudder]
Marilyn said…
WHATEVER!! :)Now, dear, everyone will know EVEN MORE how you exaggerate! On things that REALLY matter, I never win! But it was good for a laugh!

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