All quiet on the western front...

Steve got home from school today, so he packed up the little girls and took them to Disneyland! What a great dad! I would have gone with them, but I don't have a season pass.

Cambrie is still weak and nauseated. She can't remember at what point she got over the nausea last time. I was thinking it wouldn't be too long since she had one good day shortly after they put in the feeding tube but that hasn't happened again. But at least food smells don't seem to bug her this time. That is great since the rest of us are pretty much addicted to food.
She is resting right now. She finished off season 3 of Lost. It gets frustrating for her to want to interact with her children and she can't. Too weak and mouth full of saliva. Progress isn't happening fast enough. if you can, keep the prayers going for her, and sweet Katie. Sometimes, life just isn't all that fun! Thanks! Love you all!


Gramps said…
Thanks for the update. I'm glad you're able to help out.

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