
Christa said…
What a cute laugh! I can tell that she and Ty are going to have some good times together!
Marilyn said…
I don't know how to get the audio on this computer...but the video is cute! I'll bet Erica hasn't had that much fun with building towers since she was 5 or so! It is amazing what is fun when you are entertaining your child with it! Anything for the little people!
Gramps said…
hehehe...that's cute. Little miss destruction. NOW the lamp she broke after that makes sense. :)
Marilyn said…
Broken lamp? I hope it was that ugly beast in the family room. If so, good job, Emmy!
Erica said…
It was our tall silver lamp in our downstairs. I liked that lamp. Oh well. Luckily it was at our house and not yours! I'm really not looking forward to when she breaks other people's things (although I know it's bound to happen one of these days...knock on wood).

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