Update on Cambrie, again.

I wish I could say that it is good. It isn't. Steve took her to the hospital about an hour ago. Her nausea has been the worst it has ever been today. And she has a fever...and I don't know all of the other symptoms, but I think that she has picked up a bug...probably when she went in to the Dr office on Monday and was there for a couple of hours. That was also the day that her feeding tube clogged and she had to go into the GI lab to get it opened up again. Things didn't go perfectly there either...and things went downhill from there, until now. Poor Punkin. I told her today, that if she ever asks if I will be available to tend her little kids so she can have another baby, the answer will be no...just to protect her! :(
It is no fun to watch a loved on suffer!
The little ladies seem to have adjusted to having me take charge (when Steve isn't around). The biggest problem with them is that for some reason they seem to wake up 1 1/2 hours before they should...and then sometimes it creates "meltdown" situations. And it wakes up Cambrie first because she has the mother instinct to hear her children at night. And there is a definite correlation between Cambrie's sleep quality and her sickness in the day. I suggested that she could sleep in my room (at least with an empty room between my room and the girls room, she wouldn't be so quick to hear them but unfortunately every room in the house makes Cambrie sick because of the "stink", except for her own. And actually I know what she means. There is a skunk that must live pretty close because about every 3 nights, I can suddenly smell him. I usually sleep with the window open, but even if it is closed before he comes, I can still smell him! And that smell lingers WAY TOO WELL!
Anyway, once again...if you can, please pray for Cambrie still. She is one MISERABLE ( but gallant) woman!


Christa said…
Poor Cambrie. This isn't going as well as we'd hoped. I hope that she does just have a bug instead of a complication from her peg tube or something more serious.

She'll be in our prayers.
Marilyn said…
Yeah, my big worry about about now is paratinitus!
Erica said…
We'll keep the prayers coming. It's hard to hear about how hard things are going down there.
Gramps said…
My heart is aching...
Chad said…
Man, oh man. I'm anxious for the little one to come, not only to meet the new baby Nelson, but so Cambrie can be done with the sickness stuff. Hopefully the worst of it will pass soon.
Marilyn said…
`Well, she is back home...but still REALLY miserable, losing it about every 10 minutes. The hospital ran tests...it doesn't seem to be caused by either Paratinitus or a problem with her pick line (which is also very dangerous). They think she has a virus on top of the Hyper-emesis. I wish I had a wand! Talk about loaded up on trials!!

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