No Baby...

So - sorry we got everyone all hyped, but it turns out I'm not as pregnant as we would have wanted. I started bleeding yesterday, had an ultrasound today, and there's just a little empty gestational sac. The ultrasound report says it was probably a "blighted ovum" - a fertilized egg that implanted and started growing a placenta, but had so many chromosomal problems that the embryo itself didn't grow. Google says that this usually only happens once to any particular woman (I wish it hadn't been with the first, but I guess we don't get to decide these things) and that it's the cause of about 50% of first trimester miscarriages. The ultrasound also found some cysts on both my ovaries, but hopefully that will resolve once my hormones go back to normal (I haven't actually talked to a Dr. yet about anything, just nurses and technologists who have been very helpful and kind, but can't tell you what the next steps are).

I figured everything was going too perfect - got pregnant right when we wanted to, hardly sick, etc. it was just too good to be true.

But we'll keep you posted on future hopeful developments.


Chad said…
I'm so sorry. You're not the first person I've known to have this happen.
Marilyn said…
I am soooo sorry too! What a huge disappointment! They used to say that 1/3 of pregnancies miscarry in the first trimester...but that doesn't give you much consolation when it is yours!
But things will work out next time, I feel sure!
We love you!
Christa said…
Katie and Brett-- I'm so sorry. That's exactly what happened with our first pregnancy, and I was crushed. I do think it's harder when it happens on your first time around because all your dreams of parenthood are smashed-- at least temporarily. You sound like you are handling it well, and I hope that is true, but if not, it's okay to bawl your eyes out. Sometimes it helps. Hang in there, guys!
Gramps said…
What Christa, Marilyn, & Chad said. These things happen. Dunno why. Sorry to hear it. I guess if it happened to Christa and she now has 3 wonderful kids, you can take heart and plan for the future.
Erica said…
Amen to what everyone else said. I'm so sorry, Katie (and Brett). I've known someone else with this exact issue and they pulled through (after many, many tears and prayers). Probably doesn't help, but we're here for you guys if you need anything.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. It seems we all have our different trials in life. I don't think any one trial is easier than another.
You are in our prayers.

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