Erica is Older!

Happy Birthday Erica!   Hope you have a great day!


Chad said…
Happy birthday, sweetie!
Christa said…
Happy birthday, Erica! Hope you have something special planned to celebrate!
Erica said…
Thanks, guys! My sister brought me out for brunch, Chad/Emmy/I will do something for dinner, then tonight I have mutual. :) But we are having birthday cake with the YW. :)
Gramps said…
MMmmmmmm. Birthday cake......
Cambrienelson said…
Marilyn said…
Happy Birthday my sweet daughter! You do have a gift at our home. I should have had Kim give it to you when you were there last Sat. Kim, it is downstairs on the dresser next to the sewing flowered paper I think! Hope you like it!
Gramps said…
Oh yea. I forgot about that. I'll drop it off before I go home from work tomorrow.
Unknown said…
Late, but Happy Birthday all the same n' all that good stuff!

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