
Lydia has been busting out new words left and right lately. She is also singing phrases in songs which is totally cute. Yesterday I gave Kiera a dum-dum after lunch and Lydia started pleading "Too! Too!" and I realized it is because I usually ask her "do you want to have one too?" Cute. My favorite is Lydia singing "I know you" (the first phrase from the Sleeping Beauty once-upon-a-dream song). She sings it while dancing. I'd love to get it on video but of course that is impossible.
Yesterday Lydia was having trouble with her stuck stroller and and she started asking for help. She said help about 10 times ....only she omitted the "P". Too early to discuss naughty words?
Kiera has a new best friend ever since I got back from the hospital: Elmo. I've been replaced by her elmo doll. She insisted this week that Elmo needed clothes. So now elmo wears one of lydia's shirts. Kiera has been teaching Elmo to read (which is fine with me since it just helps her remember what she has learned. Elmo goes everywhere with us.
Yesterday Kiera saw a little scab on my hand and said "Oh mommy-- you'd better go to the hospital so that the doctor can put a bandaide on it. Then you can stay there and Bina (her favorite babysitter) can take care of me" I think she's trying to get rid of me! Then again, Kiera has a cold right now and whenever ask her to do something she says "I can't mommy-- I'm sick right now. I need to go to the hospital".
Funny little ladies keep me entertained.


Gramps said…
Ah, another post that brings a huge smile to my face. By the way, there's nothing worse than a naked Elmo. I miss those two little bundles of joy.
Gramps said…
Oh..and doesn't she have a doctor or nurse kit she can use to cure all the ills?
Christa said…
How do you know that she wasn't swearing? I mean, if MY stroller were really stuck...
Marilyn said…
Yes, Kiera and Elmo became really good buds while I was there...I just didn't realize that it was a new thing!
Maybe if you just keep the camera on top of the fridge, you can grab it and get "I know you" from Lydia before she realizes she is being captured!
PS how did your pressure cooking turn out?
Marilyn said…
Lydia's request for help might raise some eyebrows in the nursery next month!

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