Ticket to Ride

Emmy brought her parents over to Gramps' house yesterday. We played balls and toys...she really likes the xylophone alligator...and then Emmy went down for a nap. While she was down, the three big people played Gramps' new game "Ticket to Ride: Europe". We played the original game (US version) a couple of months ago when Chad brought it over and all three Groneman families played. We all liked it. So I bought the Europe version which adds some interesting new aspects of play to the basic game. Yesterday we played two rounds. I like the game because it moves fast (played in less than an hour) and you're never out of the game until the final points are counted.  Erica, you're right...I re-read the rules and when three locomotives show up in the 5 draw cards, you're supposed to throw them all out and deal 5 new.  Tangent:   It's so nice to have a grandchild here in the area who I can see first hand and share the delight of all the new things she learns every week and hug on on a regular basis.


Marilyn said…
Partying on! So do you like the Europe version best?
Gramps said…
Well, I've played the US version once and the Europe version twice now. Yes, I like the Europe version better as it has more options.

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