Quite a day

The power went out at our place today around 9am. There have been several long power outages lately with all of our heavy rain and storms. my friend in the ward had there power out for almost 48 hours and it was when it was COLD.
Oh, other randomness this week is that our front door fell off it's hinge one day for no reason. It was on a very windy and rainy day. I couldn't get it shut again so we had a very much open front door all day long with the wind and rain coming in until steve got home to get it shut. Then we didn't dare open it for the rest of the week (steve finally had the time to fix it today).
We had planned to get a babysitter and go to Macoroni Grill tonight, but at 2pm we still had no power and we knew it was going to start getting dark and cold soon (and we had no idea how long the power would be out). Also, we had the problem that we couldn't go anywhere since we couldn't get our car out of the garage.
Steve's brother and his wife live in the area and had power, but they were going the BYU basketball game in San Diego so after much debate we decided to abandon our evening plans and go to San Diego. The plan was to visit the Mormon Battalion visitors center, go to dinner in Old Town San Diego, and they go to the game (which started at 7pm--- Lydia's bedtime). The Visitor's Center was closed for renovations, all of the resturants in Old Town were way too expensive and not child-friendly. And all of the tickets to the game were sold out and we couldn't find anybody to buy them from. So, we went to Sizzler. Of course, we had been feeding our kids snacks for the whole 2 1/2 hour drive down there to keep them happy, so they were not hungry at the resturant and therefore ate nothing but a little icecream. And we therefore ate very little of our food because we were trying to contain/entertain children. Then we loaded up to drive 2 1/2 hours home. 10 minutes into the drive Kiera was crying because she wanted "snacks" (we had just left a buffet). Both of them cried and didn't got to sleep until an hour past bedtime. 5 hour drive for Sizzler. Ug!


Erica said…
So much for a fun night out! Ugh is right!
Gramps said…
Oh the trials of parenthood. Doesn't your garage door have a manual handle on it so you can open it if the opener is on the fritz? Hey...at least you tried to have a good time and you did something besides sit and watch mold grow on the wall, so I applaud you. It's at least great to hear you were thinking of going out to eat.
Marilyn said…
Talk to your landlord...talk to your landlord. There usually is a way to manually open a garage door, and as much problem as you have been having power outages...you ought to know how to do it!
I hope you excused that particular little black raincloud from following you around anymore!! Try again next friday?

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