The time has come for our traditional "guess where the missionary is going on their mission" For those who are new to our family since we did the last one, which was Brett's, it works like this:
Guess where:
guess When:
Guess what (language):

I'm doing my interview with the bishop tonight at 5pm and I put my availability date as Jan 29th. That's just to give you a reference to guess with.

My guess is that I will be called to Argentina, spanish speaking on April 7th.

The person who guess the closest date and place will get a prize. Happy guessing!


Marilyn said…
Feb 14 to Brazil, Portugese speaking!
Christa said…
February 10th, Florida, Spanish-speaking!
Unknown said…
Feb. 10, Toronto, Ontario, French speaking (but you'll mostly speak English)
Stevo said…
Feb. 17, McCallen Texas (Spanglish)
Katie Groneman said…
It's time to break out of the western hemisphere.

Feb. 17, Madrid Spain (Spanish)
Gramps said…
British Columbia
February 12th
English with a smattering of Swahili
Chad said…
Florida Tallahassee
10 March 2010
Chad said…
And all y'all need to be more specific... especially Christa since we're guessing the same state.
Erica said…
This is fun! :) Malaga, Spain, Spanish Speaking, April 21st (They'd have to get your visa....)
Brigham said…
New Hampshire, Manchester Mission
English Speaking
Feb. 10 2010
Marilyn said…
I just realized that Feb 14 is on a I will change it to Feb 17Th...but Erica is probably won't be so soon if you have to get a passport, visa etc
Stevo said…
...especially if you're going to Boise! Where's a map!
Cambrienelson said…
New Jersey
March 1st

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