Well, at least it isn't boring...

So we just had either a microburst hit or Cambrie heard that there might be tornado's with the weather that we were to get today. But whatever it was, it was fierce!! There was so much water coming off the house that you couldn't even have clear view of the yard, and so much rain that you could see sheets of it coming down in the backyard. I seriously thought the tree in the backyard would have a major limb come down if not the whole thing. Cambrie feared the window would break and closed the blinds in the room she was working in. It was CRAZY! Lightening...etc. It passed pretty quickly but I will bet we got over an 1 inch of rain in 10 minutes.
We also had another bigger earthquake about 5 days ago. It was scary stuff to feel my bed jumping around...especially in the light of the Haiti Earthquake. The thing is, when it starts you don't know how bad its going to get so the adrenalin was released and then it took me about 1 hour to go back to sleep.
Cambrie is doing well, except that she is still on a liquid diet...trying to get her stomach to decide that solids are ok again. She is still tired and weak...but it does help that she isn't throwing up her guts every few minutes.


Gramps said…
Yea, and all that storminess is moving into southern UT blocking your plans for an early trek home this week. Oh well, you can continue to help the Nelson clan until Punkin' regains enough strength to handle two wirlwind princesses on her own. I'm glad to hear she's on the rebound.

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