Thank heavens for supplemental insurance

$23 K coming our way (plus or minus a few hundred).


Chad said…
!!! CAMBRIE, my friend... !!!
Gramps said…
Is that above what your costs will be..if that is the case, that's Great! Not worth it though, if you ask me.
Erica said…
Wow. That's great for you guys. I can think of a lot of ways we could use that kind of money right now. Great return, but I agree that it comes at a yucky price.

PS. I'm so glad you're feeling better and are on the mend.
Christa said…
Woo hoo! I'm sure you have a few ideas of what to do with it. In the meantime, enjoy the feeling of wealth!
Stevo said…
I'd rather have a baby than $100,000 if I had the choice
Gramps said…
I agree are priceless.

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