
It looks dubious as to weather Cambrie will get to come home from the hospital today. They were going to be sending her home...but she WAS tolerating water up until the last couple of days. They were putting it into her feeding tube as a flush...but even though it doesn't get into her stomach it sends her into waves of Dry heaving for about 3 minutes, just to have it in her intestines. So they are inserting a pick line and she will have to bring an IV pole home and be attached to that. Last time, I remember that she would hook it up at night before she went to bed, and then about 9 am it would be done and she could unhook it for the rest of the day. I hope it isn't any worse than that. Yesterday we had the little girls at the hospital to see their mom and Lydia likes to go around and around it, and I fear she will trip over the stick out stands at the bottom and fall and split her head on one of the other stick outs.
Steve went back to school today, so it is just me and the little ladies today, and they have been just delightful! They don't act like they are having a problem with it being just me at all. Even Lydia is letting me hold her and kiss her without protest! So it's great, thus far!
Here is hoping Cambrie can come home tomorrow!


Gramps said…
Well, I'm jealous of your being able to play with the kids. I'm sorry to hear Cambrie isn't doing as well as we'd hoped. Thanks for the update!
Erica said…
Thanks for the update. I'm glad the girls are handling it all okay so far.

You can do it, Cambrie!

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