Projects always seems like when your mother is gone I like to keep busy by doing SOME sort of project.  The last time she went, I made full extension drawers for one of her kitchen cupboards.  Time before that I knocked a hole through the bathroom wall for light to come through. This time I'm doing two things:  Copying videos to computer and installing a ceiling fan in our bedroom.

I've spent a portion of a couple of days installing the fan.  First I had to run power to the middle of the ceiling since we don't have a light fixture there.  That means I had to run it through the attic.  I took power from the garage door opener (that doesn't get used often) and had to run some romex down the center of the attic over to the bedroom.  Well one problem.  The attic is full of insulation and the bottom of the trusses are all covered so there's nowhere to walk...and the trusses are 2 feet apart.  I kind of had to walk along the sides of the trusses bracing myself with arms on the other sides.  I used muscles in my legs I didn't know I had and today my legs are telling me about it.  The next problem was once I reached above the bedroom, how to actually kneel down and do work.  I sat my behind on one 2x4 and braced with my legs against a couple of others and tried not to fall through the ceiling while putting the romex through the insulation to the right spot in the ceiling (I had pushed a rod up through so I could tell where it was).  I always get nervous punching holes in perfectly good walls/ceilings.   Anyway, I got the power run then had to assemble and mount the fan itself then connect it up to the power...that took some time.  I got it all installed, it looked beautiful.  I turned it acted funny....the high speed wouldn't go.  No matter though, after about 5 minutes of running, the motor seized up.  Hey, the light still worked though!  So.....take apart all the screws and undo all the electrical connections and box everything back up and I'm taking it back to the store today, exchange it for a new one (hopefully) and do it all again (except for running the power of course).  I HATE it when that happens!  If I didn't have to take it back to the store for a refund I sure would have enjoyed smashing it with my axe.   Grrrrrr.  It wasn't a great 3 day weekend for certain, but comparitivly, I guess I have nothing to complain about.......much.

Katie/Brett/myself walked in the light rain over to Subway to get our dinner last night.   I sure like that spicy Italian sandwich.  Didja know they're building a McDonalds in front of Walmart?  Now we have a choice.


Chad said…
Is the pictured fan the one you're putting in your room? Does the light part of it come with a "bat signal" covering?

So you've got a choice now. Eat somewhat healthy, or eat, um... err... Hmmmm..

Don't fall through the ceiling.
Marilyn said…
I certainly hope that isn't what it looks like! I don't need spinning pirate swords above my bed!

Gee dear...that's what happened when you were putting the faucet in the didn't work! Try to leave your little black raincloud home the next time you go, ok?
Gramps said…
Marily, Marilyn, Marilyn...that's not pirate swords, it's bat wings! Chad knew it right off! I thought we needed something a little different than everyone else for our room so I thought this would add a nice touch. Chad, I do need to get the bat signal light attachment.
Erica said…
First thing I thought of was Batman too.

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