Game night anyone?

Anyone interested in a game night Friday or Saturday?  I'll provide chips dips and dinner.  Anyone?  I'm tired of hearing the wind blow, the shutters flap, and having tumbleweeds blow through my house.  If you're interested, tell me which night.  If you're not interested or are working, I'll watch more of Law & Order on the computer.


Unknown said…
Planning on game night on Saturday night.
Gramps said…
Saturday it is. Chad/Erica/Emmy? Buff?
Stevo said…
We're in!!! You never specified the location so we vote CALIFORNIA:)
Gramps said…
Stevo - We could play Settlers of Catan on the internet on Friday!...and I'm still willing to buy the dinner.
Erica said…
We're up for it Saturday. Count us in.
Gramps said…
Wonderbar! Saturday it is. I'll have dinner ready.

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