Ok, by California standards, it was a nothing. But we had an earthquake this evening. At first I just thought Steve slammed the door hard when he came in...but that house shook too long for it to be that, so then I knew it was an Earthquake. I haven't felt one of those for 25 years. It probably won't even hit the news. But I hope it wasn't just a preliminary minor quake before a bigger one. (Kim see if you can find anything about it online tomorrow ok?) And if we all DIE TOMORROW in the big one that is going to dump 1/2 of California into the ocean...I leave my gardens to Katie, as she is the one most likely to be able to take care if it in that house! :)

Christa, I missed talking to you yesterday. I hear you have found a house you like online. I know it is far from yours...but I would like to check it out for myself. How about sending me a link?
Poor little Lydia has cut 3 teeth in in the last 4 days or so...and another is about ready to pop. She has been having a rough time of it as it makes her wake up way too early then she is tired and sore and very unhappy with the world. Cambrie continues to struggle. Nausea, Hyper-salivating, tired, and REALLY wishing she had a fast forward button on herself. Yeah, I wished that for all 5 pregnancies! I get it! And it's hard on the little girls to not understand why mommy hardly ever talks or plays with them anymore. But at least she is here for them to see!


Erica said…
Hopefully the "big" one isn't coming any time soon.

Emmy is getting at least 1 molar right now and has had a rough time with that too. Poor little ladies!

I'm so sorry it's rough going, Cambrie. You're a strong woman. I'm curious. What do you think about LOST?
Gramps said…
The only earthquake news is THIS ONE out of Northern CA over the weekend. The only daily news we get about California is about gay marriage...but to more important things, Cambrie, you're my hero.
Katie Groneman said…
I'm afraid I wouldn't do your gardens justice.

Sorry Cambrie - hopefully it will get better soon.
Marilyn said…
I found out that it's epicenter was around 15-20 miles from where we are.

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