Things are not always as they seem!

Hugs are a tough commodity to come up with around here. It took me 10 days to get my first one! I must be doing something wrong...but twice when Kiera was coming up to me, (I was assuming to give me a hug for some crazy reason)... instead she wiped her nose on me and then went about her business.
I can see that I didn't bring enough pants! :)


Gramps said…
I guess you make a good Kleanex. Well, you haven't been around for the majority of those little girl's lives so it's impossible for you to have a great bond with them. Same as me. We'll always be the grandparents that live in a different state that they see once or twice a year. Just soak them in when you can until they get too big.
Marilyn said…
Guess what!?? I actually got a voluntary hug from Lydia tonight! Probably had something to do with the ice cream cone I gave her at the resturant...but I will take em however they come! Even sticky!! :)
Unknown said…
Kinda sad, but the nose wiping part was funny to read anyway!
Marilyn said…
Yeah, it makes me chuckle too! Although if she tries it on her Primary teacher, she may never be teachers pet again!

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