Alright, so the picture of Lydia obviously isn't from my "earthquake" experience... it's just way cute and I couldn't help but put it up. I took it the other day when I went over to cambrie's/steve's house for dinner. I definately have a new respect for motherhood/homemaking. She had made some delicious buffalo wings (I know i know, how very canibalistic of me to eat them) for dinner all while taking care of 2 FUSSY fussbuckets. I don't know how all you mothers do it.
But the other 2 pictures are me as a "earthquake victim". It was way fun. We got there and they gave us breakfast while we all took turns getting makeup on etc. I was a "lucky" vitim and just had head trauma. Others in my class had poles stiking out of their shoulders and wood shards sticking out of their neck, another had a compound fracture... it was all very realistic had it not been for the fact that all of us had come with our hair perfectly done and they didn't want to make girls upset by messing it up. So anyways, it took awhile for everyone to get their makeup on but then they gave us our assignments and we went on our way. I was assigned to be helping one of my classmates who was on her last dying breath to the ambulance bay screaming that she was dying and we needed help and then to act very confused after she died. They told me I was at disneyland and they were going to take me to see micky to get me to go in the wheelchair and go with them. They put me on a gurney, took my vitals and did a quick assessment on me and then left me there to take a quick nap. afterwards, they gave us lunch and we went on our way. it was a very interesting experience.


Marilyn said…
Cute Baby!! I can't wait to kiss on those cute fat little cheeks again! She has changed SOOO much!

The first picture is pretty realistic looking with your body posture. If you had left the second picture off, along with the real could have made up a Brett tale tale and gotten a lot of sympathy!
Unknown said…
What? You didn't volunteer to be the decapitated one and see if they can re-attach it?

Kids these days...
Stevo said…
Shouldn't it be "Steve/Cambrie's house"?
Gramps said…
No, no, no. That would create a rift in the space/time your brother calling it cambrie's/steve's house. I think matter would cease to exist in our universe. It's a universe of order...everything in it's place (except for our fridge). You should learn to live with it.

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