The Groneman Thanksgiving

It was a good day. Got up early and went to work putting up all the trip (floor boards, door trim, ceiling trim) in the downstairs room. Just as I had a couple more pieces to do, Chad & Erica showed up! (Yea!) We played Settlers and it was the closest game of Settlers I've ever played. There were no villages on the board, only cities. Everyone had 9 points and I was going to turn over my last soldier card to win with largest army when Chad pulled out his victory point and won. Erica and Marilyn were also going to win that turn if they got the chance. I think Chad cheated. Buff walked in the door about 4:00 (yea!) and Grandma/Grandpa H showed up about 4:30. The ham was slow to cook so we were about to sit down to eat at 5:30 when Brett/Katie showed up. (Yea!) Buff is still the champion in some of the Wii balance games, but try as she may, she couldn't beat my records in Slalom skiing and Hula Hoop. Of course, by the end of the day I was miserable from gobbling, gobbling, gobbling. I sure missed the Dastrup and Nelson families. I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.


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