Guess chart for Dastrup baby

I thought we had a guess chart for the Dastrup baby...I guess not. So...put your guess in a comment to this entry. For the only written information I can find about the due date, check out this post.


Gramps said…
Jan 13, 9:00pm, 7lb-3oz, 20 inches, BOY - Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Chad said…
Jan 15, 4:27 PM, 7 lbs 4 oz, 19 inches, Boy, Blonde hair, Dastrup.
Marilyn said…
Jan 3, 6:17 pm, Boy Brown hair, 21".
Cambrienelson said…
Jan 9th 3:21 am boy- strawberry blond hair
Erica said…
Jan 5th, 11:23 am, boy, light brown hair, 7 lbs 1 oz, 20 1/2 inches.

By the way, if I win, we'd share birthdays (so I had to go with the 5th!). :)
Christa said…
Jan. 17, 4:17 pm, 8 lb. 4 oz., 20 inches, light brown hair.

Just so ya'll know, the "official" due date is Jan. 29th. You can change your guess until the beginning of December!

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