Easy come, Hard go.

Buff just left to start her trek back to Cafilornia. [waving] By Buffie! [sniff][sniff]. I'm mad at Chad and Buff. Invite them to play settlers with us and Chad wins twice and Buff wins once. They don't give us old folk a chance. How rude. We went out to dinner last night at the Macaroni Grill with Buff, Brett, Katie, Marilyn, & me. Good food, good family. Chad & Erica were going to come but they had this tiny little doctor standing on their shoulder telling them they shouldn't leave the house.....so they didn't. After dinner I took Marilyn & Buff over to see the Groneman apartment at BYZoo. We scored some great home made candy so it was worth it. Brett suggested we go see the new batman movie (Dark Knight) at the dollar theater so we did:

MOVIE REVIEW: The Dark Knight
Let me preface this review with the fact that I go to movies to be entertained. To laugh, to be scared, to feel emotion...to be entertained. Remember I don't like Bambie. I personally didn't like this movie. I like movies where in the battle for good and evil, good prevails and at the end your heart feels good. OR I'm scared and/or tense but in the end the monster gets fried or blown up. There just wasn't a lot of good in this movie. The joker character was pure, more than creepy evil which would have been OK if good won out...but it doesn't. The heroine dies, the really good guy turns bad then is killed, the Joker doesn't die but goes back to jail (where he's proved he likes to be) and batman is stuck with a bad rap. Not exactly a fairy tale ending. The one highlight of this movie is how the ferry incident concludes. Overall through the movie the feeling is dark and evil and the movie ends that way.


Marilyn said…
I concur 100%. Sinister is the feeling of the movie: Creepy, even. Also, after seeing the movie I can understand how Keith Ledger (the Joker who is the prevalent evil force in the movie) was having so much trouble sleeping that he took so many sleeping aids that it killed him, shortly after the movie was made.
Marilyn said…
BJ, let us know how your trip went! We miss you already!
Cambrienelson said…
I still havent' seen the Groneman wymount appartment yet. Guess it will have to wait.
Gramps said…
The Brett/Katie duo could/should upload some pics!

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