So today was stake conference and I got to go to church with the nelsons. It was a very distracting meeting for me having 2 cute neices to hold and play with. Afterwards, I went over to the nelsons and had a tasty shnoodle dinner with them. Lydia is all bundled up because it was 60* outside today....very chilly california weather. It's been a very good day so far. But right now there is some prop 8 protesters that decided to come to the temple right next to our was kind of dumb of them thought because they went at 4pm after all the meetings were already out....and it's not like the redlands temple is right in the middle of the city like the LA or SLC their not really protesting to anyone.....just the surrouning palm trees and orange groves. Not very smart of them.
I'm really glad I didn't have to work today because I guess once a year, the "Bikers" come and bring lots of things for the kids like toys and batteries, clothes, etc. "Bikers" meaning the big burly guys you see riding down the freeway on their big huge motorcycles. It's really nice of them to do that and all but it's this big crazy event.....well, i'm just glad i'm not there today.
Anyways, thats the "excitement" of my life and I hope you enjoy some of the pictures we took today at the nelsons.


Erica said…
Adorable pictures! (And that's pretty funny about the protestors... I don't think it's funny they're protesting, though.)
Gramps said…
Oh yes oh yes oh yes I do enjoy the pictures! THANKS! BTW, who is that chinese kid Cambrie and Steve are kissing?............Let the protesters protest....maybe they'll convert the asphalt.

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