
Kiera had a fun birthday. We celebrated it at Steve's parents house and it was immediately before the football game so it was a little overlooked but she still had fun. She got spoiled by her auntie buffalo who gave her 2 cinderella dolls, a talking elmo, Sleeping Beauty DVD, and a princess jacket wtih lights on it (that I had her take back since Kiera was afraid of it). Kiera got a tea set and some other girly toys which are fun to play with.

More on the Nelson Blog.. check it out.


Gramps said…
Cute...she is so....girlish playing with her little tea set. BTW, the slide show on the Nelson blog seems broken. That cake looks like Elmo to me!
Marilyn said…
I like the little doll on the floor better than the Blue one! Very adorable little ladies!
Wow, buff! You must be feeling rich! I can hardly wait for Christmas! :)
Gramps said…
Yea...since when did Buff turn into Santa Clause? Did some rich relative die and bypass me by leaving all their money to Breanna?

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