President of Equador

Well, if you are a facebook user, you already have seen the picture of me with the President of Equador. Well, he's the past President.
He was President while Cambrie was there. Very smart and charismatic man. Before the conference began I was just sitting chatting with him at a table, not knowing who he was...then he was introduced as the keynote speaker. I had no clue I was talking with an ex head of state. Anyway, he stayed for the 3 day conference and we had a chance to talk more since I was sitting next to him. What a unique and interesting experience.


Cambrienelson said…
pretty cool. I've never done anythign like that.
Cambrienelson said…
pretty cool. I've never done anythign like that.
Unknown said…
Does that make me famous yet?

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