Christa just tried to post this, but for some reason, it got "eaten". So I have their blessing to let you all know that Christa spent the night last night with pre-term labor in the hospital. She was having contractions 2 to 3 minutes apart. They gave her some drugs to get it stopped, and this morning she was able to come home. She is resting now. Brigham's folks are going down this weekend ...for a visit/and if necessary to help out. I am available (they know) if they need someone for longer. Hopefully, that won't be necessary. I am sure all of you will join me in prayer that she will not have anymore abnormally early contractions. We want this baby in January...for many reasons...most of all for the well being of that little guy!


Cambrienelson said…
Oh no! let's hope it was a 1 time thing.
Stevo said…
Hope you're doing o.k. Christa. The perk about having your baby before Jan I guess is having a birthday closer to Chad and Erica's baby girl, Francisca
Stevo said…
Hope you're doing o.k. Christa. The perk about having your baby before Jan I guess is having a birthday closer to Chad and Erica's baby girl, Francisca
Stevo said…
Hope you're doing o.k. Christa. The perk about having your baby before Jan I guess is having a birthday closer to Chad and Erica's baby girl, Francisca
Unknown said…
Steve brings up 3 good points, but I still say you ought to stick to January. Are you going to have to be bed-rest or something? I don't suppose that would work with 2 lil' boys -- hence the parental visits? And I guess I'll be watching for updates.
Gramps said…
I saw Christa's notice on my phone from Facebook (I like Facebook). I hope things go OK. I'm sitting at the Oakland airport right now so will get the lowdown from Marilyn (she sees all, knows all) when I get home this evening.
Erica said…
Christa, we're praying for you and your little guy (and the rest of your fam too!). Hopefully this was just a fluke and won't happen again.
Chad said…
Yeah. What Cambrie, Steve, Steve, Steve, Brett, Kim, and Erica said. Our little girl needs a healthy boy cousin to play with!

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